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Planning Board Minutes 11/17/2016
November 17, 2016
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
 Chris Condon (Chair) Janet McEwen (Member)    Michael Frosch (Member)   Bob Holmes   
(Member) Steve MacDonald (Member) Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner) Lynne Rosansky (Alternate)
Members Absent:   Colleen Giffin (Staff), Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair) Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)   John Robertson (Ex-Officio)
7:00 PM Regular Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. He asked Ms. Rosansky to sit in for the absent Ms. Cahoon.
Approve November 3  Meeting Minutes
Mr. Frosch moved to accept the meeting minutes of November 3.
  Mr. MacDonald seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Chair Condon let the Board know on December 1 the representative from
South West Regional Planning Commission, J.B.Mack, will be coming to talk them per their request.
Antrim 2020 Accounts/ Rondeau’s bill and website request
Chair Condon made a report on his discussion with Michael Rondeau about the Antrim 2020 website. He had Mr. Rondeau’s explanation for the website billing.
Chair Condon expressed his own ideas about how the website should proceed from here; he felt that a budget of $250 for the year 2017 would be reasonable.
Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to approve $250 for the upkeep of the Antrim 2020 website. Mr. Holmes seconded.
Ms. McEwen accepted Mr. Frosch’s friendly amendment to add the stipulation that the website would be
revisited again at the end of next year to decide if it should be kept. With suggestion that the group find funding of their own next year to keep the site up. Mr. Holmes seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald yes, Rosansky yes, Condon yes, McEwen yes, Frosch yes.

Motion is approved.

Discussion about receipts. The Board decided to table the discussion until they were sure all the bills were in.
Motion: Ms. McEwen made a motion to table this discussion until after the deadline of December 1.
Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Accessory Dwellings

The Board discussed how they could allow residents the freedom to do what they wanted on their own property,
but also follow state regulations and have some standards for the ADU’s that would include the number of occupants, size, and other conditional uses,
Motion : Mr. MacDonald moved to view this with the intention a conditional use permit.  Ms. McEwen seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald yes, Rosansky yes, Condon yes, McEwen yes, Frosch no.

The Board went through each point individually.

(Adopted March 9, 2004; Amended March 13, 2007; March ___, 2017)

[Options for regulating:  (1) as a matter of right; (2) by conditional use permit; or (3) by Special Exception.)

  • Purpose & Intent: To provide for housing alternatives for immediate family members or family caregivers;
  • to increase the supply of affordable housing without building more infrastructure or developing more land; and to respond to a growing need for more diverse housing opportunities.
2.      Definition:  Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) means a residential living unit that is within or attached to a
single–family dwelling, and that provides independent living facilities for one or more persons,
including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel of land as the principal dwelling unit it accompanies.

3.      Criteria:

a.      A single family home may contain not more than one (1) ADU.
Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to approve Criteria a as written. Mr. Holmes seconded
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

The ADU shall be within or attached to the primary dwelling unit.  
A detached ADU is allowed when located on a lot that has twice the minimum required lot size.  
Motion: Mr. Frosch moved to approve Criteria b as written. Mr. Holmes seconded
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

The ADU shall be occupied by no more than two (2) persons not related by blood or marriage.
Motion: Mr. Holmes moved to accept Criteria c as written. Ms. McEwen seconded
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald no, Rosansky no, Condon no, McEwen yes, Frosch no.
The motion is denied.
Motion: Mr. Holmes made the motion to strike Criteria c entirely. Ms. Rosansky seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald yes, Rosansky yes, Condon yes, McEwen no, Frosch yes.
Motion passed.
The ADU must not exceed (800) square feet of livable floor area.
Motion: Mr. Holmes moved to approve Criteria d as written. Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

The ADU shall have a separate entrance and shall have adequate egress in the case
of fire or other hazard. The additional entrance(s) shall be located to the side or the rear of the building.

Any changes to the structure shall be in keeping with the existing architectural style of the building.

The applicant for an ADU will demonstrate that the existing or modified sewage disposal system is
adequate for the additional use, per NH DES Subsurface Systems Bureau.

For ADU’s that are within or attached to the primary dwelling unit, at least one (1) common
interior access between the principal dwelling unit and the ADU will be provided.

Separate utility service connections and/or meters for the primary dwelling unit and the ADU are not permitted.

Off-street parking for an ADU shall be provided in accordance with Article XV.  
(2 parking spaces per unit)

The driveway shall be designed so as to appear as a driveway of a single-family
residence and no new curb cut from the street shall be constructed.

The house number for the ADU shall be determined at the time of the building permit application.

Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to approve Criteria e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l as written. Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Either the primary or the accessory dwelling unit must be occupied by the owner of the property.
 There shall be no occupancy of an ADU until the Building Inspector has issued a certificate of occupancy
to the owner of the property, who must demonstrate that he or she will occupy one of the units.
Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to approve Criteria m as written. Not seconded.
Motion: Mr. Frosch moved to change the wording to:
There shall be no occupancy of an ADU until the Building Inspector
 has issued a certificate of occupancy to the owner of the property.
        Ms. Rosansky seconded.
Discussion ensued.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes no, MacDonald no, Rosansky yes, Condon no, McEwen no, Frosch yes.
Motion is denied.
Motion: Mr. Holmes moved to add the wording or family member and/or caregiver  to Criteria m. which then read;

Either the primary or the accessory dwelling unit must be occupied by the owner of the property,
a family member or family caregiver.  There shall be no occupancy of an ADU until the
Building Inspector has issued a certificate of occupancy to the owner of the property,
who must demonstrate that he or she will occupy one of the units. Ms. McEwen seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald no, Rosansky no, Condon no, McEwen no, Frosch no.
Motion passed.

If a property containing an ADU is conveyed and the new owner wishes
to maintain the unit, the new owner shall apply for a certificate of
occupancy for the ADU to ensure that one of the two dwellings
is occupied by the owner, family member or family caregiver.
Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion to have Criteria n. relate back to
Criteria m. as to who can occupy the ADU. Ms. McEwen seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Motion:  Mr. Frosch made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Holmes  seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned  8: 26 PM

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin Secretary of the Planning Board